Speech Text Compilation

Every human being must have a residence in a country. As we had a friend who lived in different countries. However, the existence of different distances is not a factor that makes us and other people have not known each other or does not have a relationship.
And Allah said in the holy Qur’an:                                                                                         
"يَأيُّها النَّاسُ إِنَّا خلقتناكم من ذكر و أنثى و جعلناكم شعوبا و قبائل لتعارفوا، إن اكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم، إن الله عليم خبير.
(Al- Hujurat: 13)
Allah explains in His verse that Allah created man to know each other, despite the long distances, there is in the Japan, Emirate Arab, Indonesian, Et cetera. And that God sets to know each other between individuals or groups.
In the world of state…
Almost every countries in the world has an organization. There is international organization and national organization. International organization can be media or way to get to know each other in different countries, also binds an international relation by organizing cooperation in order to help between the countries. A country may cooperates between another countries or international relation when the independence and sovereignty both de facto and jure has been recognized by other countries. The example of international organization is United Nation, where an organization is most important for a country. The Existence of international relationship will creates the world to be more peaceful state. Because, the members of organization have a tolerance for helping each other and keep each country to obtain a good condition.
Thus the importance of international relation binding of every nation in the world. No idea if several countries experiencing severe problems and the country does not have a bonding relationship by neighbour of country, is not necessarily country saved the condition.
Remember, we can create the world will be more peaceful by the existence of good relation and the inhabitants –usually called by international relationship. The absence of it, will not bring the hoped peaceful world and serene.

Written by Izka Azalia –Second grade of MMI, Assa’adah IMC
Pasirmanggu, Cikeusal, Serang, Banten.
Edited by. Muhammad Iqbaludin, Event Committee Leader of SCTL, Assa’adah IMC.

Dear Audiences,
Doctrine consists to two parts. There are negative doctrine and positive doctrine. Word of doctrine has a synonym with invite. In this good chance, I will explain about doctrine in negative form. For the instance, when someone suddenly comes to you and invite you to do something which is considered as a wrongdoing then you follow this one. The action no more than free sex, drugs, become a stealer, naughty guy, and mischievous. That all caused by your friend’s doctrine at that time.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As we know, the doctrine is most dangerous for all teenagers, whereas, for us too. Islam considers it as wrongdoing or bad activity to legal, is it right? So, is anybody knows what the reason? Nobody? Well, I will mention it, there are:
1)        Doctrine could change your life worse;
2)        Doctrine could change your attitude becoming worse;
3)        Doctrine detrimental to many people, and so on still.
Dear audiences,
I will take an example again, or course it up to date and of course all of you know about it, it is about ISIS, yes, ISIS is abbreviated from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is an Islamic organization that deviate an Islamic teachings, such as suicide bombings and bank loot.
The central figure behind ISIS is Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi. He even vowed to lead the conquest of Rome –the capital of Christianity, catholic, the Vatican which lies exactly, in the middle of the city of Rome, Italy.
ISIS militant leader Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi also called the Moslem to submit him.
My Loving Brother and Sister.
We must to be careful to follow, even join, or choose, some of organization that you want. Especially for teenagers, because, it is so dangerous for our future and generation. Besides that, we must thank to Allah, because we spared from ISIS, like Maher Zain’s song.
Dear Audiences,
Maybe, that is all my speech, thank for your attention. I apologize for my mistake.

Written by. Intan Nauroh –Third Extended grade of MMI, Assa’adah IMC.
Pasirmanggu, Cikeusal, Serang, Banten.
Edited by Muhammad Iqbaludin, Event Committee Leader of SCTL, Assa’adah IMC.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Fifteen years ago, America had a big news which surprised people around the world, it was about terrorist who attacked people in it, America was attacked by Al_Qaeda, the radical military organization, Al-Qaeda has hijacked a planes and crashed planes toward twin towers or usually we call it World Trade Centre Building until collapsing to the ground, nearly three thousand peoples were killed.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now, we are living in globalization era, so what will we follow? Exploitation, economic invasion, or confrontation? Not really, provided that we must to handle this –the serious situation wisely, loyalty, sincerity, and humanity.
Actually we have been losing them, not caused by direct threats or attacks from other, globalization is only a catalyst. You might to affording a McDonald’s fried chicken, Franchise foods, and another fast food. But you do not know at the same time, you are not changing your palate only, it more teach your friends and families to not cook, and becoming slack in our culinary art.
Globalization is marked the advance of sophisticated technology, and easy accessible communication methods. Therefore, terrorist can spread their desires to recruit other people to join them rapidly and easily, such a recent famous organization of terrorism that is Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or abbreviated to ISIS, they always use the social media to give influences against public to indicate them can be a part of the very radical organization.
All my honoured brethren,
Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi is a leader of it –a terrorist who responsible upon the murder of thousand innocent men, women, children, and so on, they only make a mess and destruction of relationship among Muslim and non-Muslim around the world, because they claimed their selves as Islamic holy fighter who fights in holy warfare for the sake of Islam.
So, why they do it?
Children who force to grow up without their mother or their father –or both who never been known the feeling of their embraces.
That was a claptrap!
Because they had been slaughtering, exploding, and rapping non-Muslim globally, and the latest is a news about Areeb Majeed, a member of ISIS who domiciled in India and he had get out from the very organization because he was not paying a requirement while he follows ISIS invasion. Actually, as social human, we need each other to preserve its existence in the world.
There is not human who can live without another human. In this context, human is never been able to live alone, we must to respect and make a tolerances toward other religion.
Ladies and gentlemen,
So, let us live in peace by priority of religion tolerances before we rest in peace without religion tolerance and no friends beside us.

Written by Rizki Ahmad Ramadha –Second grade of MMI, Assa’adah IMC
Pasirmanggu, Cikeusal, Serang, Banten.
Edited by Muhammad Iqbaludin –Committee Leader of SCTL
Speech Contest of Three Language 2015, Assa’adah IMC
